Having a travel blog becomes a bit problematic when you can’t travel.

So, I think I will turn my attention to our new neighbor, COVID-19, a novel coronavirus that is sweeping the globe, infecting millions, killing thousands, drop-kicking the world economy, and exposing the leaders of the world for being shameless bastards one and all.

After twenty glorious days of voluntary lockdown in my hometown of Annapolis, Maryland, I am left with my Top 10 takeaways from the current shit show unleashed by the viral wildfire.

1.     Most people are incredibly stupid and brainwashed, regardless of ethnicity or socio-economic background, proving once again that we are still essentially monkeys with shiny things.

2.     Propaganda rules throughout the world, including America.

3.     Cutting corners invariably comes back to bite us in the ass.  

4.     Elections have real consequences.

5.     Science & facts will always prevail when the stakes are life and death.

6.     Religion proves itself, as always, to be a monstrous threat to the survival of our species.

7.     The earth starts to heal herself almost immediately when left to her own devices.

8.    Crises bring out the worst in the bad and the best in the good.

9.     We have ALL been taking our cushy, unsustainable existence for granted for way too long.

10.   Selfish is as selfish does.


  1. Add to the list that you will always pick the slowest line at the grocery store and that the person standing behind you (well within 6 feet of you) will have COVID-19.

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