Citizen Trump and the rest of the Jim Jones Republicans have been drinking the Kool-Aid for so long that even they can’t tell fact from fiction anymore. So, let me try and sort out the utter nonsense for you because the treasonous whores over at Fox News are spreading venomous lies about a slew of cockamamie horseshit they call “Stop The Steal”. When all is sad and done, Fox should never be allowed to use the word “news” in their name ever again. What they do is entertain, and truth or journalism (as Fucker Carlson readily admitted in a recent court settlement) has little or nothing to do with what they spew every minute of every day.

So, let’s start with their biggest claim of illegality: denying access to their poll watchers. This lie is effective because the vast majority of Americans have no idea how the election process operates. But let’s be clear: There were Republican poll watchers allowed at every polling location in every state. Each party submits a form with the name and the contact information for their designated poll watchers to the County Board of Elections prior to Election Day and those people are allowed to observe all election activities.  This is how it works in every election, from Mayor to President. But the press, celebrities, or wing nuts are not allowed entry.  So, when some dipshit like the President’s attorney, Rudolph “I’ve Got My Hand In My Pants” Giuliani, showed up out of the blue at a polling place in Philadelphia or Detroit, demanding to come in and look around, they were not given access because that’s the goddamn law.  Imagine the chaos and potential trouble if anybody and their grandmother could oversee the counting of votes — in a pandemic, no less!

Election results are NEVER certified until weeks after the election.  Trump claimed victory over Clinton in 2016, and she graciously conceded, long before any state’s election results were officially certified.

In this election, there were “ghost envelopes” to ensure that every ballot was officially secure and there were no illegal ballots. Mine had a bar code tied directly to my voter registration information that I provided when requesting my mail-in ballot. My ballot was the equivalent of a fingerprint.

Covering or not covering the windows of a polling place is not a crime. But with batshit crazy Trumpsters — some sporting automatic weapons, or toting false ballots from Virginia — it is not hard to see how the folks counting the ballots would not want to be visually harassed or threatened.

Unregistered voters were not allowed to vote.  Period!

Unregistered voters were not sent ballots and allowed to vote without proving registration. Period!

Dead people were not knowingly allowed to vote, but with a thousand people dying every day in America due to Trump’s complete incompetence, it’s not hard to imagine that some of the deceased fell through the cracks. But, and here’s the key, there were not enough to make a nits worth of difference in the final outcome. Anywhere!

Counting mail-in and absentee ballots that were received on Election Day is not illegal.  It’s called democracy and it’s how elections have always been run in America.

Legal challenges to election results are never successful and do not change the outcome unless the margin of victory is within about a hundred votes, like in Florida in 2000.

Recounts never find an error of more than a hundred votes, meaning Trump doesn’t have a piss hole in a snowbank’s chance of flipping any of the states where it was close:

  • Michigan (149,000)
  • Pennsylvania (45,000)
  • Nevada (36,000)
  • Wisconsin (20,000)
  • Arizona (15,000)
  • Georgia (13,000)

No court is going to touch Trump’s ridiculous claims with a ten foot pole because fake news has no legal standing when it comes to election case law.

The truth is that Trump is a whiny bitch who is now what he hates the most: A FUCKING LOSER.

Good riddance!

And let’s be clear about something else.  The American election system is set up so it doesn’t matter whether Trump, the incumbent President, concedes.  And he doesn’t have to attend the Inauguration, either.  Go play golf.

In truth, the Trumpster has no more cards to play.  If he wants to be a sore loser, so be it.  The band plays on.

And if he refuses to leave, the Secret Service, who have guarded his sorry ass for the past four years, will escort him from the White House grounds at 12:01 PM on January 20, 2021. And that’s a fact, Jack!

Because the only thing stolen from America was our last four years by a consummate conman named Donald “Jingo” Trump.


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