Josh David’s story about the Tribal Council meeting had been picked up by the Associated Press. That was a first

Putting fine story telling back into the travel writing game …
Josh David’s story about the Tribal Council meeting had been picked up by the Associated Press. That was a first
Officer Dalton Singer followed the directions given to him by Mary Malone to the parking area near the Little Colorado
Juniper was sitting alone inside her bare-bones pueblo at Orabi. It was well after dark, and a gooseneck desk lamp
Mary Malone drove her USFWS Ford 150 north out of Flagstaff into the rising sun. It was already a hot
Vladimir Petrov relaxed poolside at the exclusive five-star, Velvet Shadows Resort in Tempe Arizona, sipping a tall whiskey sour and
Juniper sat near the edge of a mesa in the village of Oraibi, on the Hopi Reservation, staring at the
There were not a lot of dining choices in Window Rock, Arizona after nine o’clock at night, so Josh David
Navajo Tribal Police Officer Dalton Singer stood in front of the sandstone headquarters of the Navajo Tribal Headquarters where the
On a hot night at the end of June, Josh David, a stringer for the Arizona Republic, was in Window
The holding cell was hot and musty, smelling of dust and stale human waste. The Navajo built the one-room jail